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New animated series in production

By July 29, 2011One Comment

Here’s a character that i’ve been developing along with my co-creator Bernard Pearlman. We’re putting a cartoon series together and are going to share it with you as the progress happens. It’ll be like a special features or a making of concept but in reverse similar to Brian Taylor’s live journal entries from his creation Rust Boy. The name of the series will be announced soon along with a lot of frequent updates as these small shorts and the pilot episode develop. But for now here is our character Billy. This flash drawing morphs through 4 stages, the rough sketch, the line art, a color pass and finally the tone shading & highlights. I even went a step further and colored the line art. it’s a bit tedious but the results are worth it.
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” width=”500″ height=”550″ targetclass=”flashmovie” loop=”true” quality=”best” allowfullscreen=”true”]Get Adobe Flash player


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